| FEATURES / REMARKS                               |
 - Supported entities:
   * v          (Geometric vertex)
   * p          (Point)
   * l          (Line)
   * f          (Face)
 - Unsupported entities:
   * vt         (Texture vertices)
   * vn         (Vertex normal)
   * vp         (Parameter space vertices)
   * cstype     (Forms of curve or surface type)
   * deg        (Degree)
   * bmat       (Basis matrix)
   * step       (Step size)
   * curv       (Curve)
   * curv2      (2D curve)
   * surf       (Surface)
   * g          (Group name)
   * s          (Smoothing group)
   * mg         (Merging group)
   * o          (Object name)
   * bevel      (Bevel interpolation)
   * c_interp   (Color interpolation)
   * d_interp   (Dissolve interpolation)
   * lod        (Level of detail)
   * usemtl     (Material name)
   * mtllib     (Material library)
   * shadow_obj (Shadow casting)
   * trace_obj  (Ray tracing)
   * ctech      (Curve approximation technique)
   * stech      (Surface approximation technique)

| CHANGE LOG                                       |
[2015-11-09] Version 1.03 => 1.10
 - API changed slightly, simplified datamodel
 - Broke faces (four corners) down to two triangles

[2015-05-11] Version 1.02 => 1.03
 - Support vertex colors (not from MTL file): Three optional
   components in the "v" lines

[2012-04-04] Version 1.01 => 1.02
 - CADImportInterface extended by "importURL(URL)"

Version 1.00 => 1.01
 - Check for empty file

Version 1.00
 - Initial version