| FEATURES / REMARKS                               |
 - Supported JT file version: 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 (only tesselated)
 - Supported JF file formats: Monolithic, shattered, per-part

| CHANGE LOG                                       |
[2024-07-22] Version 1.55 => 1.56
 - Support added for suppressing transformations (JTImporterImplementation.FLAG_SUPPRESSTRANSFORMATIONS)
 - Bugfix: Color selection is now evaluating attribute "override vertex color"
 - Bugfix: Date for internal version 2 is now supported

[2023-01-25] Version 1.54a => 1.55
 - Support for JT version 10.5 added
 - Fixed 2 bugs while reading some JT files
 - Allow hiding deactivated nodes
 - Added mode for fast parsing tests (without generating geometry)

[2022-06-27] Version 1.54 => 1.54a
 - Prevented class Matrix4d from obfuscation

[2021-01-17] Version 1.53 => 1.54
 - Added undocumented SegmentType '31'
 - Fixed BufferUnderflowException while reading JT v10 data
 - Fixed calculation of hash code
 - Fixed NullPointerException while reading meta data

[2017-05-14] Version 1.52 => 1.53
 - Bugfix for v10.2
 - Bugfix for v8.1
 - Bugfix for v6 and v7

[2017-03-01] Version 1.51 => 1.52
 - Bugfix: Support v6 and v7 files without „PropertyTable“
 - Bugfix: Support unset file references in v7
 - Bugfix: Fix parsing error of v9.5 files
 - New feature: Allow setting LOD level via API
 - New feature: Allow setting optional model repository via config / API

[2016-04-28] Version 1.50 => 1.51
 - Support incomplete PartitionNodeElements
 - Bugfix: is2D()
 - Bugfix: Colors and normals were sometimes extracted wrong
 - Bugfix: Some load information were lost when loading PerPart JT files
 - Bugfix: After applying final transformation, the normal vectors have not been normalized

[2016-03-06] Version 1.40 => 1.50
 - Support for JT v6 added
 - Support for JT v7 added

[2015-11-08] Version 1.30 => 1.40
 - Simplified data model
 - Skip unused element (headers) in files
 - Added object ID to layer names to see the instance
 - Added robustness for invalid files
 - Added support for local URL's with fragments
 - Bugfix: Multiple instances with multiple geometries: Some geometries got lost
 - Bugfix: Support invalid segment types of v8.2
 - Removed ".prt" from layer names
 - Fast way of detecting JT type without loading anything else

[2015-05-11] Version 1.25b => 1.30
 - Support for v10 added
 - Read user defined LOD
 - Added model information:
   - Chosen LOD
   - Number of LODs
   - Type of JT (monolithic, shattered, per-part)
 - Support for HSV color model added
 - Support files without normals
 - Reduced used memory by 20% - 26%
 - Bugfix: Performance bottleneck introduced with v1.25b
 - Bugfix: Colors of referenced JT files were lost

[2014-11-02] Version 1.25a => 1.25b
 - Bugfix: Improved progress calculation

[2014-10-26] Version 1.25 => 1.25a
 - Bugfix: Support directories with blanks when
   structure JT files are referencing geometry JT

[2013-09-15] Version 1.24 => 1.25
 - Added support for "compressionAlgorithm" flag
 - Fixed NULL-Codec for version 8 files

[2012-04-04] Version 1.23 => 1.24
 - CADImportInterface extended by "importURL(URL)"
 - Support colors by vertex (without downsampling to
   a face color)
 - Prepared access to product structure

[2012-02-15] Version 1.22 => 1.23
 - Supported PointSetShapeLODElement for Version >
 - Skipped possibly existing bytes after graph
 - Set global color, if points have no own color
 - Skip geometry, if no vertices are defined

Version 1.21 => 1.22
 - Bugfix: Detection of invisible faces removed too
   much faces

Version 1.20 => 1.21
 - Optimized criterion for detecting visible faces
 - Support for polylines added
 - Support for points added

Version 1.11 => 1.20
 - Support for JT v9.5 added
 - Optimized performance by ...
    ... reading only the referenceds
    ... skipped reading PropertyProxyMetaDataElement
    ... skipped reading PMIManagerMetaData
    ... skipped reading XTBRepElement

Version 1.10 => 1.11
 - Another update on layername detection
 - Switched from generated normals to original JT
   file normals
 - Support for 'Colors by vertex' added
 - Bugfix: Quantization of lossy vertices failed
 - Show unsuppported entities only once per file

Version 1.00 => 1.10
 - Support for vertex based colors added
 - Forwarding information of referenced models
 - Layer name evaluation improved
 - Ignore multiple MaterialAttributeElements without
 - Full support for Huffman and Arithmetic Codec
 - Bugfix: Signed bitlength decoded values were
   sometimes wrong

Version 1.00
 - Initial version